Yun Xu

Senior Analyst Energy Maritime Associates

Yun is a key contributor responsible for EMA’s flagship product Floating Production Report. She works closely with team in maintaining, updating in-house database, preparing quarterly reports, and ensuring work delivery on time. Yun also assists in customized market research projects for various clients by gathering, processing information from multiple sources as well as data visualization presentation. Yun Xu joined EMA in its early start-up years in 2014. Her join-in has added insight and value to product development, the general research and optimizes data collection and workflows.

13 September 2024 - Post-Congress Focus Day - Decarbonisation in FPSOs

10:40 AM Transitioning to a Low-Carbon Future: Challenges and Opportunities in FPSO Decarbonisation

In the race towards a low-carbon future, the offshore energy sector faces both challenges and opportunities in decarbonising FPSO operations. This presentation delves into the complexities of transitioning towards sustainability in FPSO operations, examining the hurdles to overcome and the promising opportunities ahead. 

  • Addressing the complexities and opportunities of integrating renewable energy sources 
  • Assessing the upfront investment costs, operational savings, and long-term profitability  
  • Market trends driving demand for decarbonised FPSO solutions 

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Yun.

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